To: Junior
Hovind is doing more to discredit Christians than any number of atheists could ever accomplish. This is absolutely true. Well said.
To: RightWingNilla
Most of the people I have spoken with have said that Dr. Hovind has done more to make stonger their faith since viewing his seminars. I think many folks appreciate him more than this board lets on. He has those who diagree with him, but I don't know How in the world his giving substantial data to back up the Bible would discredit Christians, at least not in their brothers and sisters in Christ's eyes anyway. Christians do not seek man's approval but that of God's, so I am not sure what the post meant. BTW. The swim was very nice, it felt so good to dive in. Did I ever tell you about Dr. Hovind's favorite dinosaur? He calls it "blondasaurus", lol. He has this plastic dino with a barbie doll wig on it. The kids get a hoot out of it. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson