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To: Piltdown_Woman
I never said Creationism was on par with what Jesus did in His atoning death on the cross, what i said was is that the Doctrine of Creation is more important than Salvation.

The reason why, is that Creation contains the doctrine of Salvation in it, for it is a part of Creation to ask where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going.

Salvation comes under that.

It is through Creation we discover that God created us. There had to be a reason. That it makes us accuntable to Him just because He is creator. Because we are created beings, we are under His headship and authority, and He is sovereign over us. Evolution in any form denies this.

It is because of Creation that we read that men were CREATED on day 6. It is because of the sinlessness of man from that point until Adam sinned that we have any reason to need Salvation at all. It is because men were Created as flesh that we are able to HAVE a Saviour at all.

It is because of what we learn in Genesis we see what forms the foundation of the family unit; That family unit is supposed to teach us how we are to respond to God as men.

The marriage of a man to a woman is supposed to represent the marriage of Christ's bride to Him in Salvation, and the issue would not have an example to follow or be based upon unless Creation occured in the first place, for women were created for men, and mankind was created to have fellowship with the Creator.

The marriage relationship, begun in Genesis at day 6, is the foundation of how we can begin the understanding of how men are supposed to understand the hierarchy of our relationship with God. Man, Adam, was created to have fellowship with God; women, Eve, were created to be the perfectly suitable companion for man. This relationship is shown in perfection through the right relationship of the Bride of Christ and Christ Himself, the head of the Church.

It is because we were created man and women, and the relationship of men to women, that we have any idea of what it means to BE that Bride of Christ, the Church, and the levels of headship and authority that Christ has over the Church and what the man is supposed to have over the wife in marriage.

It is because we were created men and women from the beginning that any understanding of that can be known of men. If we evolved, then that reference to men and women would be moot and meaningless. The idea of the man being the head of the relationship would not have meaning, nor would any thought of alliegence to any head have meaning.

(Mark 10:6 KJV) But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.

(Mat 19:3 KJV) The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?
(Mat 19:4 KJV) And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
(Mat 19:5 KJV) And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
(Mat 19:6 KJV) Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Notice that the joining of the man and the woman is supposed to create ONE unit. The joining of Christ to His bride is supposed to create one unit, the Church, with Christ as the Head of that unit, as the man is to be the head of the family unit here while in our physical bodies.

While all the benefits of this blessing are only fully realized through believers who receive Salvation, it cannot be fully understood in this world unless a person believes what the Bible says about our being created creatures in the flesh and all the thoughts that go along with that.

But I will venture to say, I am not convinced that a person who believes in evolution can be saved. A person has to believe they are a sinner. Sin came from Adam. Men may not have great spiritual understanding on this when they get saved, but they have to clearly understand they are separated from God because of their sin, that they are condemned because of that sin, and that Salvation is only found in Jesus Christ.

If a person truely believes they came from slime, though, I have serious problems believing they can understand being in a fallen state in need of a saviour.

I am not going to say, like you accused me of, that a person cannot be saved unless they understand the doctrine of Creation, but I am not convinced of it. They need to understand they are sinners. Unless you convice a person they are lost, you are not going to get them saved. Even the most pagan Islander from somewhere can have total ignorance of the Bible, but when missionaries began to speak of the need of a Saviour, they didnt start with Jesus, they started with Genesis. And to their mazement, many of these tribes already had oral tradition that mirrored the book of Genesis, and KNEW there was a God that created the world somehow.

Jesus didnt die for the sins of an apelike bi-pedal creature, He died for the sins of the world that came through Adam.

(Rom 5:12 KJV) Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

An evolutionist will dismiss you immediatly on that verse, simply because he doesnt believe that there was sin entering the world through Adam, for they do not believe in Adam.

Your own life experiences should also give you food for thought: Examine the doctrine of some 'believer' who tells you they believe in God AND evolution. That will tell you volumns, and it should bring out warnig bells as to whether they really believed the Gospel.

By rejecting Genesis 1-3, you reject why we even have a 7 day week.

(Exo 20:9 KJV) Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
(Exo 20:10 KJV) But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
(Exo 20:11 KJV) For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

Look at verse 11. SIX DAYS. That is God speaking. If it was not 6 days, why are six days mentioned here? Where did the mention of a week start? Genesis. Creation. If you reject Creation, you reject what God said in explaining that therehad to be a day of worship and why, you are calling God a liar.

By rejecting Creation, you reject that man was created on Day 6.

You reject that man sinned shortly after Day 6.

You reject that God promised a redeemer for Men.

You reject that that promise was fulfilled through Jesus Christ, for if you reject any of those verses that clearly, plainly spell that out, you reject what the Bible says about who, what, and why. In order to reject any of Genesis, you call everythng after it a lie.

Once you reject that, you leave open the rejection for everything after that, for every single doctrine in the Bible has it's origin in the Book of Genesis in some way or another, based on the FACT that God created the world in 6 days, that men were created special, and that sin in the world entered through Adam, and that God provided the sacrifice for that sin, and then promised a redeemer to come who would be killed, but in that death would forever kill the power of Satan.

Salvation came After Creation, in man's perspective anyways, not God's, but if men do not know why they need to be saved in the first place, because of Sin, you are just passing air through the lips, to those who have no idea what you are saying.
218 posted on 05/12/2003 11:29:03 AM PDT by RaceBannon
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To: RaceBannon
Evolution is science, it says nothing about creationism, creationists are the ones that started this little argument.

If you wish to believe in creationism as the ONLY way for Jesus to have to had to come back to save us from original sin, the please do so, and have a great life, but do not expect science to change it's views because it might hurt your faith.

Evolution is science, creationism is the LITERAL use of gensis as the true story of creation, and religion.

Keep your religion in the churches and in the homes, and science will teach about it's latest and greatest theories so that children can learn critical thinking skills, although, in public school that is frowned upon, critical thinking, that is.

Now, you are preaching to woman, who has come to her own conclusions, she has critical thinking skills, but YOU have decided that YOU have the right answer, and that she is wrong and must be saved.

Perhaps, YOU are the one that is wrong and needs to be saved, maybe she is right, and has the one true answer, and all of your preaching, if it indeed changes her mind, will condemn her, just as you are condemned, if she is right and you are wrong.

I just love it when people start this stuff.

YOU MUST BELIEVE LIKE ME, because I am right!!!

Are you so sure?
233 posted on 05/12/2003 11:38:40 AM PDT by Aric2000 (Are you on Grampa Dave's team? I am!! $5 a month is all it takes, come join!!!)
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