You can believe in legalizing drugs without being a drug user or thinking it's a good thing, you can believe that people have the right to be promiscuous, or to be homosexual withour doing those things yourself.
This is what freedom means to me.
I can tell you many other ways that California has gone downhill, but let me ask you, should we have put adulterers, homosexuals, and promiscuous people in jail to have a cleaner society? That is what I think you are implying.
There is no such creature as a "homosexual" or an "adulterer" etc. So, no I don't believe in imposing punitive action for fictitious creatures.
On the other hand, there is vile behavior called adultery, sodomy, pederasty, bestiality etc. Healthy and vigrous societies have lawsy had laws against such behavior.
Edmund Burke was the first true conservative and he would have said yes, such laws are wise and good. These laws developed over centuries and even millennia, not because someone had some trendy, fashionable, fascist idea to have government peek into bedroom windows, but because such laws reflected a shared hard-won wisdom that such behavior is fundamentally detrimental to society. In our country these laws have only been cast off wholesale in the past 35-40 years and the result is the current sexual sewer conditions--public, not merely private--in California.
There is a place for such laws. SCOTUS should keep its buttinski nose out of it. Let California die of moral rot and sexual permissivness. Let other states choose life, if that is the will of their people.