Prove it. This is the only study that ever addressed it.
This IS representative of the average.
And until you do a study disproving its findings, this study is the final statement on the matter to date.
Addressed what? The "average homosexual"? Since this study wasn't intendned to be OF the "average homosexual", and therefor no effort was made to define or find or even represent the "average homosexual", I'm not sure where you (or Kopp) even get the idea. Beyond the fact that you have some need to fill a propaganda quotient, that is.
This IS representative of the average.
Sorry, but no. No attempt was made in that regards. It was a study of the transmission vectors of Hep-A, not homosexuals.
And until you do a study disproving its findings, this study is the final statement on the matter to date.
And until you actually do a study of what you intend to prove, this particular study isn't the first, last, only, or even any statement on the "average homosexual".
It's not "exhaustive", it's not "average", and it's not applicable.
C'mon, give in, so we can move on to that garbage you're plagiarizing from Paul Cameron and IMAWHORE, or whatever it's going by.