Moose has been attacking the GRPL for drawing their circle wide enough to include "Pelagians". But both are in serious error for excluding the saints of God, those who have entered in at the gate as Jesus has appointed, and who follow the leadership of the true and living apostles and prophets Jesus has sent in our day.
The excluders need to be careful, lest they only end up excluding themselves. It is solemn mockery before God to set yourselves up as the judges of another man's heart, calling evil another man's good life, calling good another man's evil life, excluding them based on the label you seek to fasten on them, assigning them to a group that you profess to be out of favor with the "orthodoxy" of the day. God will judge us as individuals, according to our works, and does not share what those judgments will be with you guys. Nor have the final chapters of our lives yet been written, though God foreknows them.
By the way, "verbal smackdown", whether by Moose or by the GRPL, is natural-man behavior. When you forsake all such behavior, repent of your sins, come unto Christ, learn of Him, and are truly born again, you will no longer seek the symbolic victory, that is to say, the verbal smackdown.
Note: Tithing in the Mormon church is not a private matter between the person and their God but a matter for the man, family, bishopric and by extension the ward and up the ladder to the SLC HQ. And the yearly interviews do ask whether one is a full tithepayer (with any needed assistance contingent upon the Mormon's payment to the coffers). And Note: My session would NEVER EVER ask about my payments, they asked about my salvation when I voluntarially went to them for a membership interview. The question would be "What can we pray about for you" rather than "What can we gossip to the wives about" as was the case in Mormonism (despite my utterly appallingly boring existence) ;-)