Each year at the close of the legislative session here in Georgia, the legislature publishes what they call the "Legislative Summary" recapping all the laws enacted during that session. The inside FRONT cover contains these words in a letter from the Legislative Counsel" (the legislature's lawyer): "No claim is made as to the CONSTITUTIONALITY OF ANY OF THE LEGISLATIVE ACTS CONTAINED HEREIN."
IF YOU THOUGHT THESE GUYS HAVE ONE EYE ON THE CONSTITUTION WHILE PASSING ALL THOSE LAWS, THINK AGAIN. If you don't think some of their laws won't pass muster, you get to hire one of their over-paid fellow land sharks and take 'em to court.
Dollars to donuts YOUR legislature does the same thing. It's called CYA!
Because an informed juror can frustrate their power grabs, they LOVE it when judges routinely lie to jurors about THEIR powers as the jury box is the next to last check on the power of the state. The LAST check -- and God help us if it ever comes to this is the CARTRIDGE BOX.