Perhaps not under President Bush, but do you really believe that if a Hillary Clinton was to secure the white house for herself, that she, or another like her, wouldn't abuse such powers to the greatest extent imaginable?
Now you understand why we are fighting so hard for Republicans in office - to prevent any more progression of the Hillary mode of government. Look at our fight for the nomination of Estrada. Look at the Dem tactics and efforts to change the Constitution with their coup of the judicial nomination process.
Their efforts if successful will mean that the president does not pick the judges - the opposing political party does with the use of filibuster. Meaning - the democrats will have control of the judges when in power and when not in power if they are successful in getting the precedent changed to require 60 votes to even proceed to a vote by the Senate.
And you wonder why many of us resent the battles among the conservatives over every single decision and action by the Republican president as they let the dems have free reign to do as they please - saying "Don't bother us - we are threatening to vote these dang Republicans out."
We are at war for this country - both against terrorists and democrats.