Lots of info regarding the age of the Earth and the techniques used in trying to determine it on this site.
"Decay of the earth's magnetic field?" You mean, like just before each of dozens of complete reversals?
"Excess argon in recent lavas?"
Am I a prophet? Three hundred posts ago I predicted we'd get to here.
Occasionally, somebody on the evo side clubs a Young-Earth argument on the head like killing a baby seal. The Shriek Chorus immediately arises. "Strawman argument! YEC-ism is a strawman!"Three hundred posts ago! That's before you were a YEC, isn't it?Is it? Start a thread on radiometric dating. The same people will haul out material from dog-eared, fuzzy-edged creationist pamphlets. You will once again wearily look up the rebuttals to hoary tales of old Hawaiian lava from fresh eruptions and old shells on live snails.
Strawman, my earlobe!