DNA shows us more than information though, it shows something which materialists deny to be possible - symbolism. It took mankind thousands of years to abstract from pictorial descriptions the form of conveying thoughts by abstract symbols which we call the alphabet (in fact the Chinese have never reached this point). DNA is symbolic information. It is like the yes/no of a binary computer only it is more advanced in that it has 4 possible meanings at each position. These DNA units are read in threes in order to give a possible 64 different values. These 64 values are translated by RNA into the 20 amino acids which make the proteins of life. Now let's just think how hard it is for a child to learn to read. How much time it takes, how much teaching it takes. So the question that needs to be asked is who taught DNA to write the symbols and who taught the RNA how to read them and translate them into the proper amino acids? There can be no materialist explanation for this.