Secondly, what kind of idiotic response is "I didn't realize Buckley and Schultz were countries." You obviously can't handle, in an intellectually honest way, the fact that these two people, who's conservative credentials are flawless, are both in favor of ending the war on drugs. Why don't you at least make an attempt at addressing this fact rather than making yourself look like a blind and rigid follower of the War on Drugs?
So you avoid any attempt at reconciling this hole in your theory (because you can't) and instead simply make a wise-ass retort and dismiss that aspect of this complex situation.
You don't address it because you know it makes you a liar. Simple as that. There are conservatives who oppose the war on drugs. Me, Buckley, and Schultz among them. Again, tell me which is worse, socialism or fascism? I do believe you're very fond of creating a fascist state of America.