Can you REALLY be so naive as to believe that ANY of these madmen are enough of an idiot to nuke the US?? You have GOT to be kidding!! If you're serious, you've been listening to too much network propaganda (the Germans did the same thing when the Nazi party first started doing their war dance). The US would annihilate ANY country that tried that. It's called having a good offense and is one of the perks of being the remaining world super-power. Even China (as bad as they are) can only dream of launching an out and out attack against the US as long as we control most of the satellites and most of the long range tactical nukes. Russia had nukes and the story during the cold war was that they might drop one on our heads at any time. That story was as effective then at getting the feds what they wanted as the half-baked Sadam story is doing right now.