Know history? You are living in the 18th century.
I've had my mind changed on quite a few things that I was initially wrong about. Of course, it took people who were better informed than I am there were willing to trade information in a civil manner to do it.
"Civil manner?" I believe you started the name-calling.
Something that I have never seen you do on any thread that we've ever posted on. I honestly doubt you capable of such an exchange.
I repeat, I never heard of you until tonight so it's possible I impressd you more than you impressed me. However, I do believe you have me confused with somebody else.
Have you considered a memory upgrade. Maybe to 32K. Granted, here lately, I lurk more than I post but I've been around for quite some time and was quite active up until about 3 or 4 months ago. New job duties and additional home schooling subject are taking up more of my time of late.