You know, that is definitely behavior similar to how prostitutes think and talk to one another...bragging and comparing notes. It probably won't be long till these girls ARE getting paid for it. I can see it now, a girl says "no" and one of these boys from the suburbs (young, dumb and full of it with more money than sense) offers her money to take care of him...and maybe even more $$ to do it w/o a condom. To me, it's inevitable.
Maybe I'm looking too far into it, but I'm training myself to think these things through as far as my kids go.
It is quite predictable. But these girls are selling themselves, money or not. I can't imagine any real man wanting to marry a girl who's spent years servicing all sorts of men that way. These girls are cheapening themselves, and they're too stupid (along with their parents) to realize it. How tragic.
The school sluts began their lives of dabauchery as early as the end of 6th grade. Most of these girls are being raised by single moms and/or are latchkey children.
Thank God for the "Life Teen" program at our parish--I know I can count on them backing hubby and I up as we try to teach our daughter the virtues of modesty and purity.