If so, then , as far as you're concerned , rules of behavior don't matter at all. True ? It's just do whatever , as long as it doesn't harm you in any way ? That's chaos and no tribe, no community, no nation can function that way. Oh, and when the consequences do manage to touch your life, it's too late.
Thank you so very much for pointing out my typo. The message really wasn't so difficult to decipher , though. LOL
I don't want to impose my views on others. (I couldn't, even if I wanted to.) Anyone has the freedom to go out and have oral sex, homosexual sex, group sex, sadomasochistic sex and so forth with as many people as they want. But I don't want others imposing their sexual attitudes on my children. And that is what's happening all over the place. When my kids are taught in school that wearing condoms is all that's needed before having sex, and our Boy Scout troop is attacked for not wanting active homosexual men as our scout leaders to go on overnight camping trips with our teenage sons, and when pornographic pictures stare out of every New York City newstand and airport counter when my kids walk by, then MY rights as a parent are being infringed on.