I predicted to my younger co-worker that the world and the US would turn on Israel with the month. I really hoped I would be wrong, but here we are.
What I didn’t count on was how viciously: and how many Jew hating bastards there are in the US and the rest of the world. They claim to be pro Palestine, but the real reason is clear to see. They hate Jews and they don’t mind you knowing it.
They are almost proud of it. Women raped, babies deliberately murdered, civilian targeted for torture and murder and these “so-called” pro-Palestine protesters support this.
This is just anti-Semitic, Jew-hating, racial hate. And the liberals are all for it. Maybe the liberal Democrat voting Jews will finally see the light.
The “hate-crime” are the real mothers of “hate crimes.” The same bastards call us Nazis. They are the ones screaming, pissin’ and moanin’ to kill all the Jews. It would be nice though if the Jews would back us as much as we back them.