What part of my "No" do you not understand?
And how do you equate the above statement with your false witness that I'm calling St Paul a heretic?
Oh, ebb, you lovable heretic.
Your weasel words can’t hide that you said that only heretics believe in salvation by grace. Like St. Paul.
I guess you’re not only a heretic, you failed logic too.
You’re a self-condemned heretic no matter how much you try to argue against me.
And you’re going right to Hell unless you repent, heretic ebb.
It's blindingly easy.
You said the theology of salvation by grace through faith that Luther taught was heresy.
Luther got that straight out of Scripture as penned by Paul and inspired by the Holy Spirit.
If you consider that theology heresy, they you are indeed declaring Paul as a heretic as HE was the one who wrote it down.
To go a little further, it was the Holy Spirit which inspired those words. You might as well then just come out and say that the Holy Spirit inspired heresy cause they are His words.
Luircin's point in post 58 is valid and stands.