A lot of assumptions in your post about me who you don't know.
I've stated it before and will state it again.
I left Catholicism because I accepted Christ and when I started reading the Bible I saw the HUGE discrepancies between Scripture and the teachings of Catholicism and knew which one was the truth and which one was false. So I left the false teachings of Catholicism, which are not Christ focused but rather Mary focused.
I found Christ alright, with no thanks to Catholicism as it teaches that Jesus lives in a piece of bread and you have to eat it to get Him into you.
I now have Him living inside of me through the presence of the Holy Spirit.
I found Christ in a way that that is beyond anything Catholics could even imagine.
The problems with homosexual clergy and the child molestation and cocaine fueled orgies at the Vatican are fact and well documented and in some cases have been long standing in Catholicism.
St. Peter Damian's Book of Gomorrah: Homosexual Situation Graver than Damian's Time
You paint all Catholic clergy as pedopiles. You left the Catholic Church because you never believed in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
Weak Catholics become Protestants. The absolute worst Catholic bashers are fallen away Catholics. But some of the best Catholic apologists are former protestants. Almost to a person when asked why they became Catholic they say because they wanted the truth of Christianity and could not continue living a lie.