...In the 1960s, Rose and Canter collaborated to establish a far-left, pro-communist community newspaper called Hyde Park-Kenwood Voices, which echoed CPUSA propaganda. Soon after meeting Axelrod, Canter and Rose became mentors to the young man and helped shape his political development.
And that's when Charles T Payne, brother of Madelyn Dunham, was Deputy Director of the Library at the University of Chicago; he and wife Melanie lived in Hyde Park, and in the 70's, Melanie was on a committee with the wife of David Axelrod...
...In the 1960s, Rose and Canter collaborated to establish a far-left, pro-communist community newspaper called Hyde Park-Kenwood Voices, which echoed CPUSA propaganda. Soon after meeting Axelrod, Canter and Rose became mentors to the young man and helped shape his political development.
And that’s when Charles T Payne, brother of Madelyn Dunham, was Deputy Director of the Library at the University of Chicago; he and wife Melanie lived in Hyde Park, and in the 70’s, Melanie was on a committee with the wife of David Axelrod...
It’s not really secret, people just do not know all this stuff and how all these people connect up.