Jabba, lol, with all due respect, you need to re-read this article later today when you sober up. Mr. Lopez was traveling 120mph on private business in a cop car on a crowded expressway endangering innocent citizens lives each second along the way.
Your statement “you don’t handcuff a fellow officer” almost defies comment but I will try anyway. Why the hell not? The man seriously and grievously broke the law. We could google up video of cops in handcuffs all the time. So, I don’t understand your thinking unless your a cop yourself.
You and I could find a lot of common ground re the war on men, starting with the fact that thousands of cop videos prove a woman should not be out on the streets by herself confronting lawbreakers. But, in this ONE case, the woman cop did exactly the right thing and I’m proud of her for having the pluck to do it and the good old boy cops harassing her I hope get what they deserve as well.
Obviously the Speeding cop agrees with me because he fired the dummy as he should have.
Null, you might need to add Jabba to your Alaska Wolf pings.