Not only is there a website that sells cheap metal jewelry designed by a man whose trade is jewelry design, they also sell T Shirts and coffeee mugs that promote ObamaCare - but the vendor's name is Barry Subud Sumohadiwidjojo
Moreover, what's really of great concern is that Kenneth Olsen sometimes is referred to as Ken, and Barry also shows up on the page as Barack.
SUMOHADIWDJOJO might mean made in Indonesia, for all we know.
The Chicago Tribune has mispelled the name as Olson
Jeweler Ken Olson has a suggestion. Why not take the next logical step? Why not try . . . a meltdown? ``I think after my first divorce, I was a little bit bitter,`` said Olson, 32, of Orange, Calif. ``I took my own ring and burned it and it felt real good, and since then I`ve let my friends come over and burn theirs.`` Friends and customers, actually. More than 200 in 10 years.