“Cruz, McCain ... citizens at birth and not natural born citizens (despite Resolution 511) because they each applied for citizenship and were issued certificates by the Federal government which could be revoked.”
Where are these ‘issued certificates by the Federal government’ located at Sven?
Also how can you call Jindal a natural born Citizen? His parent’s weren’t naturalized until AFTER he was born. Rubio’s father wasn’t naturalized until AFTER Marco was born.
“Also how can you call Jindal a natural born Citizen?”
Jindal (Rubio) is a natural born citizen because his U.S. citizenship was and still is recognized because of his place of birth. He has never had to apply for U.S. citizenship. He has never had to state an oath of allegience to be recognized as a U.S. citizen.
Application, proof and oath for Certificate of Citizens with U.S. Attorney and SoS
Cancellation of Certificate of Citizenship or Naturalization
A. Administrative Cancellation of Certificates[1] See Part L, Revocation of Naturalization, Chapter 3, Effects of Revocation of Naturalization. A Certificate of Naturalization issued to a person who lawfully filed an Application for Naturalization and proceeded through the naturalization process to the Oath of Allegiance cannot be canceled under INA 342. Officers should consult with local USCIS counsel in such cases.
USCIS is authorized to cancel any Certificate of Citizenship or Certificate of Naturalization in cases where USCIS considers that the certificate was:
Illegally or fraudulently obtained; or
Created through illegality or by fraud.[2] See INA 342. Under the same conditions, USCIS may also cancel any copy of a declaration of intention, or other certificate, document or record issued by USCIS or legacy INS.
USCIS issues the person a written notice of the intention to cancel the certificate.
Cruz’s parents and McCain’s parents had to apply for and show proof of eligibility to have their foreign born children recognized as U.S. citizens. Furthermore, their parents had to “take and subscribe” an oath of allegience to the U.S. on behalf of their children. Their certificates were subject to revocation after adjudication in a Federal court.
Jindal’s and Rubio’s citizenship status is not subject to revocation; unless, they move out of the country and voluntarily renounce. Consequently, Jindal and Rubio are natural born citizens.
Cruz came from the womb of an American citizen...over the age of 19.