This is a point not emphasized enough. I mean, what doctrinal differences do reformed congregations and the Catholic (or Orthodox) have that makes them bigger enemies than the Left?
Some people seem to think anything short of torturing every Catholic clergyman to death and dismantling the Church brick by brick is not enough.
But does the Left really care? They’ve already started to push for normalizing pedophilia in Europe, in 10 years time all the media figures decrying the abuse will probably be calling for such as “civil rights”.
They only care about destroying the largest church which can threaten their goals, and the bigots would rather let the Godless win if it means sticking it to Rome.
The doctrinal differences reside in the minds of Catholic haters, each one of them his own pope, following and spreading their own self-inspired false teachings. Each one thinks he’s Ezekiel, and understands all of the symbolism of Revelation and Daniel. Because the KJV Bible has no Maccabees, they can’t get it in their thick heads that all that stuff about “Abomination of Desolation” and the statue of Olympian Zeus in the Temple of Jerusalem has already happened. When they start talking about “red heifers” it gets too much for me and I just shut it off. So, please don’t ask me about the meaning of the red heifers. The Catholic Church is not the whore of babylon.