Because they're waiting until after the election. The rats and the RINO's don't want to get voted out of office for passing more tax increases and getting caught with more pork spending.
It will be a cold day in hell before the Senate Democrats vote to remove Obama from office.
Better to think; 'outside the box'.
Perhaps you have not noticed, that Obama is promising his own 'stiffer spine'; whereby, he has thus far; only practiced/exerted, in increments of 'self-annointed' power; his MO of going beyond Congress; so challenging our 'checks and balances'. Obama has articulated his penchant; his desire; his need; and his intention, of ruling by 'dictate'/fiat whenever necessary - and that 'next term' he will exercise more personal 'Will'. It it the 'flexibility' Obama speaks of; per his second term. Believe him.
These people are about 'power' - without any 'beholding' to honorable means to accomplish their goals. Believe it.
These people have waited 'lifetimes' for American power to be, in 'their hands'. We know it to be representational; they see it quite differently. They believe it is 'theirs'; and giving it up is; no doubt; unthinkable, to their Leadership and core constituency.
Obama is slowly shifting gears into a 'new' paradigm. New; at least, for America; and one, not framed by our Constitution. He has tested these waters; and found; he CAN walk on it. And thus far; no has stopped him. Election 2012 is the biggest and most critical test, to do just that. It is up to us, to stop Obama; if he does not in fact, find a way to stop us,first.
Am left to ask; what part of Obama's commitment to 'fundamental change'; all the while; ignoring/dismantling, Rule of Law/our Constitution; is escaping your attention or concern?
Congress by fiat.
He decided that illegals should get green cards so he proclaimed that hey should and now they will.
He decided that Church sponsored organizations should provide abortifaciants and contraception free of charge against their beliefs so he had his henchman at the HHS declare it so. It is now So!
He has used Eo’s, EPA regulations, HHS Regulations and the entire power of the alphabet Soup bureaucracy to get his way, and you believe that he has been check mated by a feckless Republican House! How/ What has he wanted to do that he hasn't done.
He even has a built in excuse for NOT doing what he doesn't want done, or for the failure of his policies; those knuckle dragging Republicans in Congress did it.