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Re:"Mal and Val - not Ann and the Old Man" Any evidence Valerie Sarruf is Obama's mom? (vanity)
Seizethecarp vanity commentary on Dr. Ron J. Polland youtube dated 08/07/11 ^ | August 1, 2012 | Seizethecarp (vanity)

Posted on 08/01/2012 11:18:33 AM PDT by Seizethecarp

"Meet The Parents....of alias Barack Obama. Black Sunni Muslim father and White Lebanese Christian mother. Born in the ME, raised in Indonesia, became BHO II in 1982." Dr. Ron J. Polland

The “Mal-Val” youtube video at the link was posted by FReeper Polarik (Dr. Ron Polland) in August of 2011 and while morphing the image of a woman named “Val” into an image of Obama, he insinuates that “Val” is Obama’s mom. One year later this youtube has only 1,150 views.

In July 2012, two FReepers associated the woman, “Val,” in Polarik’s Youtube with Lebanese actress Valerie Sarruf and have posted multiple images of her at various ages on FR eligibility threads. I am opening this thread to invite discussion of and links to any evidence that either supports or refutes a claim that Valerie Sarruf is Barack Obama’s mother, with or without Malcolm X being his father.

Where could Malcolm X and Valerie Sarruf have been in 1960 when baby Barry would have been conceived? Is there any evidence that Sarruf could have been pregnant and delivered a baby in 1961? In what country could the baby have been delivered? How and when could the alleged Mal-Val baby have been inserted into the identity and life narrative of the person we have come to know as Barack Hussein Obama?

Full disclosure: I refute categorically all of the Mal-Val narrative as wildly speculative and unsupported by any evidence that I have seen so far.

For several years now a shadowy coterie of FReepers styling themselves as “researchers” has gone onto nearly every FR eligibility thread to aggressively refute all evidence that Stanley Ann Dunham was Barack Obama’s mother. They have actually declared flat out that she was never in Hawaii before 1963, contrary to the voluminous evidence including INS FOIA documents!

Requests for links or any evidence that Stanley Ann is NOT the mom have been frequently met with abusive ad hominem attacks and accompanied by claims that ALL documentary evidence showing her to have been in Hawaii in 1960 and 1961 is forged, but no credible evidence of forgery has offered. I make this observation as a retired Certified Fraud Examiner and CPA.

For years the “researchers” had claimed mysteriously to have conclusive evidence that a different woman is Barry’s mom, but refused to reveal her name or any evidence other than her picture because the “researchers” claimed it would disappear from the net and/or from hard copy archives of the records. But this month, the “researchers” appear to have slipped up and revealed that Valerie Sarruf has been the woman whose identity they have been “protecting.” They have since attempted to walk back the revelation, but it is clear, IMO.

The “researchers” claim that they earnestly want to remove Obama from office. But wouldn’t revealing ALL EVIDENCE of a foreign mother and foreign birth (which they also claim) be the most logical approach to removing Obama rather than hiding the identity of this alternative mother for years while attacking FR threads that sincerely attempt to find out where Stanley Ann Dunham was when she gave birth to Barry?

In my opinion, the best evidence that Valerie Sarruf is NOT Barry’s mother is the mountain of evidence that Stanley Ann Dunham IS his mother, which the “researchers” have totally failed to refute.

Again, please use this thread for discussion of and links to any evidence that either supports or refutes a claim that Valerie Sarruf IS Barack Obama’s mother with or without Malcolm X being his father.

KEYWORDS: birther; certifigate; falsescent; fmd; fogbowdisinformation; frankmarshalldavis; fraudexaminer; jihad; kgb; kingjerkaboo; malcolmx; malval; mikezullo; moonbatbirther; moonbats; naturalborncitizen; obama; obamamama; obamamom; patricelumumbaschool; rabbittrails; russia; sado; sarruf; seizethecarp; shinyobjects; valeriesarruf; zullo
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To: Fred Nerks

If the photo in the middle is Roman Obama, he could have gotten fat in Russia. The middle photo looks also a bit distorted, his head looks too big.

1,381 posted on 05/14/2013 9:25:54 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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To: American Constitutionalist

The dark boy grew up to attend the Lumumba University in Moscow, the lighter one is zero.

The dark boy was the child of Anna Obama who was living at the Seattle address in 1961, when Mary said she baby-sat. Anna Obama was NOT Stanley Ann Dunham.

If you go back a few pages on this thread, you might pick up the rest of the story.

1,382 posted on 05/14/2013 9:27:39 PM PDT by Fred Nerks (Fair Dinkum!)
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To: Greenperson; All; notted

GP - you might be interested in this thread, new stuff I’ve not seen or read before.

Also - I decided to do a ping list solely for 0’s background, it would not ba a busy ping list, just if a new thread starts, or an old one gets resurrected, or new info comes out.

Anyone who wants on it, freepmail me.

1,383 posted on 05/14/2013 9:30:11 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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To: F15Eagle


1,384 posted on 05/14/2013 9:30:44 PM PDT by Fred Nerks (Fair Dinkum!)
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Comment #1,387 Removed by Moderator

To: Fred Nerks


Yes it was very useful.

B(7) means LAW ENFORCEMENT is involved somehow with that travel document.

The question to resolve is, why did law enforcement get involved and WHEN.

1,388 posted on 05/14/2013 9:59:57 PM PDT by WildHighlander57 ((WildHighlander57 returning after lurking since 2000))
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To: little jeremiah

We can only work with that we have, books written about the family when they lived in Nairobi, tell us that there were so many people living in that house, Ruth says half the time she didn’t know their names.

Certainly, the boy the kenyan brought back with him from the US was living there, they called him ‘David’ by the sound of it, (couldn’t call him by what he was born with, not while zero is using the same name in the US,) and Malik and Auma were also there, plus some young cousins, not named, whom it’s stated that the kenyan was paying to educate...

As for the people in the village hundreds of miles away, if the children of Kezia were living with Ruth and their father in Nairobi, she was probably no longer there, it’s doubtful she would remain in the village on her own, and she did have two more heaven knows whom.

The dark boy grows up, he attends high school, Malik drops it that ‘Barack taught school in Uganda’ - who was that? It wasn’t his father, his father worked for an oil company and then, much later, after Mboya was assassinated, then he was given a government job by the finance minister, who wasn’t appointed until 1970.

Sorry, but through all this, generally available material, the story becomes clear, but not if no one is paying attention. If you only read articles in the US papers or websites, you know next to nothing. There’s Google! There are websites with articles out of Kenya, and articles out of the UK, for example.

So the boy grew up, he was at least 22 when the old man was killed, he had been to Uganda, he had accepted a scholarship to the university in Moscow; he said himself, he was there for almost a decade when he was interviewed in 1992. He was out of sight and out of mind.

And to put paid to him, get him out of sight altogether, they ‘killed’ him in a motor cycle accident. And that’s the end of ‘David’ - and no matter how many people tried to find any trace of ‘David’ (and many did try) they could never find him, his birth year and death year vary according to the whims of the website you might see the name on.

One thing he can’t do.

He can’t come back. Not because he died in a motor cycle accident, but because he would be recognized. So he ends up in Ghana and adds Ekua to his name, which means ‘pushed or shoved aside’ in swahili, I’ve been told. Isn’t that classic?

There’s a paragraph in ‘Dreams’ that takes up the story, and explains the deception. Paraphrased:

Auma and zero are walking along a street, when they meet someone who says, Hello, you must be David...and zero or Auma explain, no, this isn’t David, poor David was killed, this is his brother from America...who looked so much like him that the man thought it was ‘David’.

If you can’t see through that, I have a number of bridges going real cheap.

PS. Remember ‘granny’ Sarah saying “even the President of the United States passed though my hands...”?

They even fooled granny. I bet she’s woken up since. Just like Neil Abercrombie. Even Neil has to know by now that Anna Obama wasn’t Stanley Ann Dunham.

1,389 posted on 05/14/2013 10:00:21 PM PDT by Fred Nerks (Fair Dinkum!)
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To: WildHighlander57

I think the real question is where did she travel to and why aren’t you allowed to know.

1,390 posted on 05/14/2013 10:02:17 PM PDT by Fred Nerks (Fair Dinkum!)
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To: Fred Nerks

Yes, redacted for the following reason:

“release would disclose information compiled for law enforcement purposes”


1,391 posted on 05/14/2013 10:06:53 PM PDT by WildHighlander57 ((WildHighlander57 returning after lurking since 2000))
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To: WildHighlander57

Just an excuse. The last thing they want us to know is that they hot-footed it over there to check out what the old man might have had amongst his personal possessions that might have revealed the deception that took place in 1961. In 1983 by the time they got there, the original namesake of the kenyan student was probably already in Moscow.

Mark made a blunder placing that image of the two little boys on his website. What he did by that was make it clear to us that the child born in January 1961 that Mary babysat, was at some time in the same place as zero. And that photograph must have been amongst the old man’s possessions.

1,392 posted on 05/14/2013 10:19:24 PM PDT by Fred Nerks (Fair Dinkum!)
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To: American Constitutionalist

And then the forged documents Arpaio and Zullo have been focusing on will enter the stage, and THEN people will start demanding to know - WHO THE HELL IS HE???!!??!

1,393 posted on 05/14/2013 10:34:33 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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To: F15Eagle

There is an original source for that uncorroborated information that the mother’s name was Stanley Ann Dunham, who had a child in August 1961, it’s a very suspicious memo, and from that all else follows.

You’ll find it signed by someone named WOODS iirc.

Don’t you find it strange that ALL the names on the memo’s in connection with discussions about the kenyan student have been removed...except the one name they WANT you to see?

The name of a woman whom no one saw pregnant, whom no one ever saw with a baby, but who obtained sole custody of a child which the ‘father’ didn’t acknowledge existed three weeks after the birth?

I just tried the link, the file seems to be blank.

1,394 posted on 05/14/2013 10:55:27 PM PDT by Fred Nerks (Fair Dinkum!)
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To: Fred Nerks

Thanks, that filled in some holes. I was thinking that when Roman was growing up, playing with Malik, he was using his birth name, but that makes sense, when his birth name was given to Zero, then the real BHO didn’t have it any more. What a screwed up mess. Layers upon layers of deceit and lies, circles within circles of liars and cheaters and the cheater, then overlapping with other circles.

So many people know bits and pieces of the truth but very few know the entire story. Of course I’m sure a number of them do know the entire story.

Zero and “David”/Roman don’t look at all alike, so they had to make that weird photograph of “David” that looked like a composite.

1,395 posted on 05/14/2013 10:55:55 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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To: little jeremiah

I’m more concerned right now that the Smathers immigration file appears to be blank, can you please try to access it and see if it comes up for you? There’s no content that I can see. Thanks

1,396 posted on 05/14/2013 11:07:03 PM PDT by Fred Nerks (Fair Dinkum!)
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1,397 posted on 05/14/2013 11:10:31 PM PDT by Fred Nerks (Fair Dinkum!)
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Comment #1,398 Removed by Moderator

To: Fred Nerks

I can see pages and pages of it, but it’s very slow loading. MY interent speed is poor and when a lot of people around here are on, it’s really bad. Do you want me to copy anything? I’ll have to do it tomorrow. SPeed will be better in the morning plus I have to go to bed.

1,399 posted on 05/14/2013 11:20:43 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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To: F15Eagle

I’ve hardly seen any movies in many years. Decades, actually. Not my thing...

1,400 posted on 05/14/2013 11:21:36 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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