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Re:"Mal and Val - not Ann and the Old Man" Any evidence Valerie Sarruf is Obama's mom? (vanity)
Seizethecarp vanity commentary on Dr. Ron J. Polland youtube dated 08/07/11 ^ | August 1, 2012 | Seizethecarp (vanity)

Posted on 08/01/2012 11:18:33 AM PDT by Seizethecarp

"Meet The Parents....of alias Barack Obama. Black Sunni Muslim father and White Lebanese Christian mother. Born in the ME, raised in Indonesia, became BHO II in 1982." Dr. Ron J. Polland

The “Mal-Val” youtube video at the link was posted by FReeper Polarik (Dr. Ron Polland) in August of 2011 and while morphing the image of a woman named “Val” into an image of Obama, he insinuates that “Val” is Obama’s mom. One year later this youtube has only 1,150 views.

In July 2012, two FReepers associated the woman, “Val,” in Polarik’s Youtube with Lebanese actress Valerie Sarruf and have posted multiple images of her at various ages on FR eligibility threads. I am opening this thread to invite discussion of and links to any evidence that either supports or refutes a claim that Valerie Sarruf is Barack Obama’s mother, with or without Malcolm X being his father.

Where could Malcolm X and Valerie Sarruf have been in 1960 when baby Barry would have been conceived? Is there any evidence that Sarruf could have been pregnant and delivered a baby in 1961? In what country could the baby have been delivered? How and when could the alleged Mal-Val baby have been inserted into the identity and life narrative of the person we have come to know as Barack Hussein Obama?

Full disclosure: I refute categorically all of the Mal-Val narrative as wildly speculative and unsupported by any evidence that I have seen so far.

For several years now a shadowy coterie of FReepers styling themselves as “researchers” has gone onto nearly every FR eligibility thread to aggressively refute all evidence that Stanley Ann Dunham was Barack Obama’s mother. They have actually declared flat out that she was never in Hawaii before 1963, contrary to the voluminous evidence including INS FOIA documents!

Requests for links or any evidence that Stanley Ann is NOT the mom have been frequently met with abusive ad hominem attacks and accompanied by claims that ALL documentary evidence showing her to have been in Hawaii in 1960 and 1961 is forged, but no credible evidence of forgery has offered. I make this observation as a retired Certified Fraud Examiner and CPA.

For years the “researchers” had claimed mysteriously to have conclusive evidence that a different woman is Barry’s mom, but refused to reveal her name or any evidence other than her picture because the “researchers” claimed it would disappear from the net and/or from hard copy archives of the records. But this month, the “researchers” appear to have slipped up and revealed that Valerie Sarruf has been the woman whose identity they have been “protecting.” They have since attempted to walk back the revelation, but it is clear, IMO.

The “researchers” claim that they earnestly want to remove Obama from office. But wouldn’t revealing ALL EVIDENCE of a foreign mother and foreign birth (which they also claim) be the most logical approach to removing Obama rather than hiding the identity of this alternative mother for years while attacking FR threads that sincerely attempt to find out where Stanley Ann Dunham was when she gave birth to Barry?

In my opinion, the best evidence that Valerie Sarruf is NOT Barry’s mother is the mountain of evidence that Stanley Ann Dunham IS his mother, which the “researchers” have totally failed to refute.

Again, please use this thread for discussion of and links to any evidence that either supports or refutes a claim that Valerie Sarruf IS Barack Obama’s mother with or without Malcolm X being his father.

KEYWORDS: birther; certifigate; falsescent; fmd; fogbowdisinformation; frankmarshalldavis; fraudexaminer; jihad; kgb; kingjerkaboo; malcolmx; malval; mikezullo; moonbatbirther; moonbats; naturalborncitizen; obama; obamamama; obamamom; patricelumumbaschool; rabbittrails; russia; sado; sarruf; seizethecarp; shinyobjects; valeriesarruf; zullo
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To: little jeremiah
Malcolm X met Oginga Odinga in Atlanta, in the early sixties. The blacks wrote a song about him and many changed their names to Odinga. One of them went on to be involved in a robbery and went to jail for a very long time. As the same Oginga Odinga about whom the song was written, was instrumental in obtaining scholarships for kenyan students to attend Lumumba University, and sent his own son there, one imagines he knew 'Roman' Obama personally, after all, his son, Raila Odinga claims to be related to the Obama family. It's a small word.
1,301 posted on 05/13/2013 11:00:30 PM PDT by Fred Nerks (Fair Dinkum!)
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To: little jeremiah
Alice Dewey, who, amongst other publications, wrote a book with the title PEASANT MARKETING. Called herself an INDONESIANIST. Mentor to Stanley Ann Dunham, whose daughter Maya found the research for PEASANT BLACKSMITHING on discs in a dusty drawer, she says... And when the book was published, the title was changed to Surviving Against the Odds.

Was the original title too close to Alice's work for comfort? After 15 years of research as Alice claimed, did she maybe have some material left over?

Do you trust these people? I don't. Not a single word.

1,302 posted on 05/13/2013 11:08:02 PM PDT by Fred Nerks (Fair Dinkum!)
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I think these two men are the same age.

1,303 posted on 05/13/2013 11:12:12 PM PDT by Fred Nerks (Fair Dinkum!)
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1,304 posted on 05/13/2013 11:19:15 PM PDT by Fred Nerks (Fair Dinkum!)
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To: Fred Nerks; WildHighlander57; Fantasywriter; LucyT

The Roman Obama at Patrice Lumumba U in 1992 appears to have advanced male pattern balding at age 31 (21 years ago which would be much more advanced to near total baldness by now) and appears to be short and pudgy in build (compared to the scale of the furniture), totally unlike the mid-30’s, lanky, Roman Obama Ekua pictured at the bar with NO male pattern baldness whatsoever!

1,305 posted on 05/14/2013 10:05:26 AM PDT by Seizethecarp ((Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:
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To: Fred Nerks; null and void; thecodont; Las Vegas Ron; Candor7; LucyT; Windflier; Norm Lenhart; ...
Oh, I think he was groomed FAR longer than 6 years...

Right you are, cboldt. And PoloSec's comment is also very relevant to this thread:

...this is about greatest case of Criminal FRAUD in the history of America!

Pinging some names from another thread who might be interested in this incredible research thread, go back a page or two to catch up. Some already posted but much entirely new stuff is being posted for the first time, that I've seen.

Absolutely fascinating, and more evidence that the freak in thw WH is not who he claims to be.

I will not ping you all again; so no complaints! Just thought you might be interested in this thread.

Oh, and ignore the few disruptors...

Oh, one last thing - for people who think "this will never go anywhere" - think again. The tide is turning and there is much evidence to back this up - but the key is the news that the DOJ was illegally checking phone records of reporters, and the MSM is starting to turn on 0. The MSM made him, and they can unmake him in 2 weeks whenever they want. And once the MSM and even some Dems start (or keep up and increase) turning on him, the question of "Who the he!! is this freak" will naturally be asked. Then the years of massive painstaking reserach will come into play.

Notted, your commen is also relevant:

I will state upfront that I believe there are many dots missing in the issue of Obama’s eligibility to be POTUSA let alone a validated USA citizen. I suppose this makes me a ‘birther’ which I can live with and keep looking for a complete history...

This thread tells more of 0's history.

1,306 posted on 05/14/2013 10:23:44 AM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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To: little jeremiah

Thanks for the ping! Following events closely. But keep in touch just in case I miss something.

1,307 posted on 05/14/2013 10:31:20 AM PDT by notted
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To: Seizethecarp
what are you nuts? they could be twins!

There is a montage of Obama/Malcolm X images somewhere that asks people to guess which is which- the catch is that they are ALL malcom X

1,308 posted on 05/14/2013 10:32:30 AM PDT by Mr. K (There are lies, damned lies, statistics, and democrat talking points.)
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To: little jeremiah; Fred Nerks

john dewey, the celebrity atheist

1,309 posted on 05/14/2013 10:36:09 AM PDT by Brown Deer (Pray for 0bama. Psalm 109:8)
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To: notted

I could start a “0’s background research” ping list if people want, there isn’t one really. There are one or two “eligiblity” ping lists but this is not exactly the same thing.

1,310 posted on 05/14/2013 11:30:15 AM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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Comment #1,311 Removed by Moderator

To: little jeremiah

Thanks for the ping. I’m glad you guys keep banging away at this.

1,312 posted on 05/14/2013 11:46:41 AM PDT by Kevmo ("A person's a person, no matter how small" ~Horton Hears a Who)
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To: little jeremiah

That would be very helpful, because of so many tentacles to this administration, it is easy to lose track of the bedrock evidence.

I think posters like you and butterdezillion, et. al. need a research forum apart from “natural born” forum all their own, IMHO

I wish, FR was formatted slightly different, so organizing deep research was a little more friendly. Not complaining though, just lazy.

If you start a ping list, please include me, you have my support.

1,313 posted on 05/14/2013 11:51:37 AM PDT by notted
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To: Kevmo; notted; Fred Nerks; Brown Deer

I think this massive background researching that’s been onoing since 2008 by HEROES is going to come into its own, soon.

In fact, I am 100% convinced of this.

I will start a “Zero Background Research” ping list if anyone wants. And for the record, I am NOT a researcer (not enough brains) but just an fascinated observer.

The heroes that do the research despite the howling of jackals deserve all the credit; pinging a couple of them.

1,314 posted on 05/14/2013 12:01:25 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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To: notted

What I do to find threads is do a search on researchers’ names and find what threads they’ve been posting on. We need a keyword just for these threads and anyone interested can then find them that way as well, espeically if a dedicated person goes and adds the keyword to older threads. I think there is going to be a lot of interest in this topic toot sweet.

1,315 posted on 05/14/2013 12:03:05 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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To: Seizethecarp

Thanks for the ping.

It would be interesting to research the movements and genealogy of the guy in the newspaper pic; the same goes for the guy in the bar pic.

1,316 posted on 05/14/2013 12:09:20 PM PDT by WildHighlander57 ((WildHighlander57 returning after lurking since 2000))
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To: little jeremiah

Sounds like a good strategy. I would like to help, but after, I finish up a logo design and clear out some old projects.

I too, believe this may start getting thick as thieves, just a feeling.

1,317 posted on 05/14/2013 12:09:40 PM PDT by notted
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To: Mr. K

“what are you nuts? they could be twins!”

I disagree. Any two photos an be seamlessly morphed to fool the human brain into thinking the persons are related.

They are! They are humans! Check out all of the images of Jesus and Mary and Elvis found in toast and screen doors.

IMO, the fine facial features of Barry and X are radically different beyond having some general black features.

Barry and X do share a deep jaw which comes to Barry from his mom and her father and that he shares with his sister, IMO.

Remember that when doing a forensic analysis spotting which children are natural and which are adopted, and who are brothers and sisters, a visual impression can be very deceiving.

1,318 posted on 05/14/2013 12:12:02 PM PDT by Seizethecarp ((Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:
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To: Seizethecarp; Mr. K
Barry and X do share a deep jaw which comes to Barry from his mom and her father and that he shares with his sister, IMO.

If you know for sure who his father and mother are, you must have inside info you've been hiding from everyone for years. Please reveal your info, so everyone else can know the truth. P.S. Anything already out in the open doesn't cut it.

1,319 posted on 05/14/2013 12:38:03 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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To: little jeremiah

“If you know for sure who his father and mother are, you must have inside info you’ve been hiding from everyone for years.”

The cross-corroborated documentary evidence (INS FOIA documents, UH transcript, UW transcript and witness accounts including Mary Tounghi’s) that Stanley Ann is Barry’s mom is conclusive beyond any doubt in my professional opinion as a (retired) CFE even without having a verified BC. So I can ascribe to her with complete confidence any features that Barry shares with her, such as the “Dunham chin” she also shares with her father.

1,320 posted on 05/14/2013 12:52:00 PM PDT by Seizethecarp ((Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:
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