The KKK was among other things, a gun-control organization. They were trying to keep guns out of the hands of newly freed slaves but still gun control.
Yes, racist Democrats, but let's gloss over that. Would those newly freed slaves have been better or worse off if they had been able to be armed? Not to mention that the KKK wanted to disarm newly freed slaves for the same reason leftist still want to disarm those they would control.
A recent gun buyback drive in Los Angeles resulted in someone turning in a rocket launcher. Comforting.
Cite? Of course not.
Theres no reason a Neighborhood Watch captain should be patrolling his block with a criminal record and a pistol.
Which may be the reason he wasn't....
Zimmerman was a catastrophe realized. Even in the wake of new evidence about this case, the fact remains if Zimmerman didnt have a gun, 16-year-old Trayvon Martin would be alive.
And Zimmerman likely wouldn't be alive.
The United States is number one in the world in civilian gun ownership. And since were not last in gun violence (were the 14th highest in deathsway higher in just injuries) its safe to assume that increasing the number of guns doesnt decrease the number of gun deaths.
Not so long as Holder People and other Democrats ignore laws against murder, robbery, burglary, carjacking and felonies in general. A good deal of those gun deaths occur in Democrat bastions with just the gun laws the author advocates. Many of the dead are disarmed and defenseless in the face of these criminal thugs.
Just like cutting taxes doesnt increase revenue...
Actually it does. But why would the author not be ignorant about that as well?
What a brain dead parrot.
Tina is just resting.