“There is more than enough circumstantial evidence going on that warrants an investigation. Not investigating and continuing to sweep this gorilla under the rug does even more damage to credibility.”
I only wish the MSM would put 1/10 as much effort into this as they did investigating GW Bush’s National Guard records. It would be the blockbuster story of the century. I think the Abercrombie thing has them spooked. A few weeks ago Chris Mathews was urging Obama to release the certificate, now he and his friends are calling the whole controversy “crazy talk”. It seems to me that based on comments by his wife, his granny, the Governor and others, that there is MORE evidence that he is NOT a citizen than that he is.
Yep, I hear you. If even 10% of this stuff had been attached to GW Bush it would have been 24/7 news stories and howling and gnashing of teeth from the liberal media. Plus there would have been 0% freepers whining about how it makes us look, we need to just move on, etc. etc.
It seems the only time adhering to the constitution is important is during GOP administrations......