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To: David
Knowing the lawyers and law firms who are involved, the $2mm estimate for his spending is very low. It looks to me as though we can see around $10mm of legal effort expended in defense of his position--maybe more.

How do you justify that estimate? Out of 60+ eligibility lawsuits, Obama's personal attorneys defended only 3 lawsuits. Of those 3, Perkins Coie defended only 2. (Berg v. Obama and Hollister v. Soetoro) By December of 2009, they made a total of 8 filings.

The DOJ provided the defense in the majority of the remaining cases. The others were dismissed sua sponte.

Are you suggesting that 2 lawsuits cost Obama $10m?

277 posted on 01/27/2011 12:07:51 PM PST by BuckeyeTexan (There are those that break and bend. I'm the other kind.)
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To: BuckeyeTexan; David
Obama used TAX PAID attorneys in his defense. That is more important than how much, specifically, was spent on preventing the release of common documents.

Obama sent out highly trained, TAX PAID, attorneys to various courts around the nation at a time when plots were being laid to bomb Times Square, and a Pittsburgh marathon, explode a passenger plane out of the sky over Detroit, and **KILL**our soldiers on their bases and recruitment centers.

So?...Would a **real** American, natural born president do that? I don't think so!

A **real** American, natural born president would be **honored** to promptly prove with all of the best evidence that he was eligible to be president and Commander in Chief of our nation's troops.

282 posted on 01/27/2011 12:15:48 PM PST by wintertime (Re: Obama, Rush Limbaugh said, "He was born here." ( So? Where's the proof?))
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To: BuckeyeTexan

Are you suggesting that 2 lawsuits cost Obama $10m?

Reminds me of the young lawyer who won his case and was in front of the judge trying to prove up his request for attorney’s fees. H wanted $400 an hour and the judge said youre to young and don’t have enough experience to get that. The lawyer replied yeah but your honor I have billed clients for many more hours than my age would normally allow....

283 posted on 01/27/2011 12:22:50 PM PST by rolling_stone ( *this makes Watergate look like a kiddie pool*)
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To: BuckeyeTexan; David
The DOJ provided the defense in the majority of the remaining cases.

Yeah! Great! The taxpayer paid for Obama’s defense. Isn't that cute?

Obama had two choices:

1) Nod his head to his secretary and within the week satisfy all but the most fringy of kooks.

( A **real** American, natural born citizen would be **HONORED** to promptly prove with all of the best evidence that he was indeed eligible to be president and Commander in Chief of his troop. He would be especially proud to do this for the military.)

2) WASTE and MISUSE taxpayer resources and citizen-paid attorney talent at time when we had **serious** plots to bomb Americans and kill our soldiers on their bases and in their recruitment centers.

SHAME SHAME SHAME on Obama and those who would defend this despicable behavior.

287 posted on 01/27/2011 12:33:06 PM PST by wintertime (Re: Obama, Rush Limbaugh said, "He was born here." ( So? Where's the proof?))
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To: BuckeyeTexan
Knowing the lawyers and law firms who are involved, the $2mm estimate for his spending is very low. It looks to me as though we can see around $10mm of legal effort expended in defense of his position--maybe more. How do you justify that estimate? Out of 60+ eligibility lawsuits, Obama's personal attorneys defended only 3 lawsuits. Of those 3, Perkins Coie defended only 2. (Berg v. Obama and Hollister v. Soetoro) By December of 2009, they made a total of 8 filings. The DOJ provided the defense in the majority of the remaining cases. The others were dismissed sua sponte. Are you suggesting that 2 lawsuits cost Obama $10m?


But Perkins drove the proceeding in many of the cases where they did not appear as counsel. You don't suppose the Perkins lawyer who became the clerk for the Judge in Santa Ana did that for nominal clerk's compensation--I assume Perkins made up the difference.

Maybe you also count some of the costs of government employees--Bob Bauer didn't stop being lead counsel when he went to the White House; and I doubt that he took much of a real paycut when he did so either.

Matter of fact with 60 cases for which they were ultimately responsible, $166,666 seems cheap.

And the litigator looking at this kind of an effort from the outside doesn't see all the peripheral effort that is involved in other proceedings that are not court actions that must be coordinated with litigation pending and threatened to avoid action or events that would prejudice the litigation threat.

At this point, I view my $10mm as probably light.

383 posted on 01/27/2011 2:37:07 PM PST by David (...)
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To: BuckeyeTexan; LucyT
Of those 3, Perkins Coie defended only 2. (Berg v. Obama and Hollister v. Soetoro) By December of 2009, they made a total of 8 filings.

And incidentally, I didn't point my entire $10mm at Perkins either--there were a number of law firms involved besides Perkins as well as ancillary investigators and other service providers.

387 posted on 01/27/2011 2:42:01 PM PST by David (...)
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