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To: GGMac

Your scenario explains Barak Obama’s 1971 Christmas visit.

I believe that the Dunhams paid off Barak Obama to adopt/re-adopt Barry back. That it was necvessary to reorganize Barry’s “paperwork.”

There is absolutely no other explanation for Barak’s visit.

265 posted on 01/27/2011 11:41:31 AM PST by Beckwith (A "natural born citizen" -- two American citizen parents and born in the USA.)
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To: Beckwith
I think Ann had enough of Barry jr.[fighting all the time in Indonesia/abuse] and communicated with Barack SR. to come and take his son.

But you're right, why would Barack Obama Sr. come to Hawaii just to say no. Maybe little Barry would not stop nagging his mother to meet his real father.

Barack Sr. must have said I have 5 kids to take care of myself. Good luck, adios.

So the evil bitch SADO dumped Barry with her parents who didn't want him in the first place. Which is how Frank Marshall Davis came to be his defacto father.

[I read somewhere that Davis had a lot of that true?]
290 posted on 01/27/2011 12:34:58 PM PST by Electric Graffiti (Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their Moonbats)
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To: Beckwith

Your scenario explains Barak Obama’s 1971 Christmas visit.

I believe that the Dunhams paid off Barak Obama to adopt/re-adopt Barry back. That it was necvessary to reorganize Barry’s “paperwork.”

There is absolutely no other explanation for Barak’s visit.

Now, here’s the mystery. Why would Senior fly halfway across the world to make his only visit to his son at this moment in time? Remember, this was in the era before the deregulation of the airlines. Round-trip airplane tickets from Kenya to Hawaii must have cost a small fortune even by American standards — much less third-world Kenyan standards. The Dunhams surely paid for the airline tickets. We know they paid for an apartment in their building for the month that Senior was in town, and were undoubtedly providing him with some walking-around money.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!The sad truth is Senior spent most of his time partying with with his old snack bar buddies from the University of Hawaii, Neil Abercrombie and Pake Zane.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How about those the social events ol’ Neil recalls the happy family attending?

340 posted on 01/27/2011 1:23:58 PM PST by Hotlanta Mike (TeaNami)
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