So?...Nearly 6 out of 10 Americans have serious doubts about his being born here or have doubts about his natural born status.
And.. This many Americans are “kooks”, “nutz”, and “fringe”? I'd say Obama has a public relations problem on his hands.
I'd also say that the Republican Party and our so-called yapping “conservative” media have a public relations problem for having IGNORED and done almost NOTHING about Obama’s eligibility. I hold them in even greater contempt that I do the Marxists. At least I knew the Marxists were snakes. I didn't expect Rush, Hannity, Beck, Ingram, Coulter, Levine and the rest to bite me.
I’d also say that the Republican Party and our so-called yapping conservative media have a public relations problem for having IGNORED and done almost NOTHING about Obamas eligibility. I hold them in even greater contempt that I do the Marxists. At least I knew the Marxists were snakes. I didn’t expect Rush, Hannity, Beck, Ingram, Coulter, Levine and the rest to bite me.
They are scared. They are scared of the other 96% of the media that isn’t conservative will viciously attack them and succeed in demonizing them just like they attacked and demonized Sarah Palin and many others.
... they are very very scared.