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To: marron; GOPyouth
We should never defend Democrat history. Let Democrats answer for their legacy.

I wholeheartedly agree with your above statement! But, do you see my point? There were still slaveholders in Union states through the end of the War Between The States. I just really butchered how I posed the question to GOPyouth.

Another is it that the history of the democrat party is never discussed publicly so they will be held accountable for all of it?

124 posted on 06/25/2010 8:22:01 PM PDT by southernsunshine
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To: southernsunshine

One of the things we have to do is reclaim GOP history. Whatever you feel about the abolitionists, the GOP was born as the abolition party, when a group of Christians broke from the Whigs for the express purpose of ending slavery. Considering that they were a minority in a country that either favored slavery or didn’t care one way or another, its amazing how it all played out. Whigs evaporated as if they never were, and in a very few years slavery too.

The Dems were the defenders of the slave economy, Jim Crow race repression, Klansmen (who were the armed wing of the Democrat Party), lynch mobs, fire hoses, church bombings and on down the line. Wilson brought Jim Crow into federal law. FDR refused to outlaw lynching. They are still a party obsessed by race and ethnic politics. The GOP then, like now, was never perfect but by and large they have been on the right side of history which is why the Dems are determined to rewrite it.

We need to stop letting them.

I read a pretty good book recently about Jim Crow in America; a lot of it will curl your hair. The funny thing, the writer is clearly a Democrat and you’ll hunt high and low to find any admission that it was the Dems doing it or the Repubs opposing it. But the facts as sanitized as they are, are hair-raising. Thats their history. They love to claim that somehow along the line Repubs and Dems switched sides on race; if that was my history I’d try to re-write it too.

Lincoln wasn’t perfect? No one is perfect. Some see farther sooner than others is all. No one ever sees the whole picture. But everyone knew where he stood on slavery which is why the moment he was elected the earth started moving under everyone’s feet.

This all started with Beck’s program on the black founding fathers. Its a good show about people who have been erased from history. I give him points for trying. Last night he brought us Joe McCarthy and tonight the black preachers and soldiers and politicians who helped birth the US in the late seventeen hundreds. Pretty good.

132 posted on 06/25/2010 9:28:34 PM PDT by marron
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