“And sadly, we all witnessed it again at the Duke LaCrosse incident....”
Uh...you really have no idea what you are talking about. Yankee students at a Yankee run school are falsely accused by a black stripper and an immoral lawyer doing his best imitation of a Philadelphia lawyer prosecutes because he wants to maintain standing within the black community that is Durham, NC. No which correlates to the old South or Confederacy at all.
“Show the world you folks have grown up, and it will support your highest aspirations.!”
LOL! Let the world show us that they still care about the Republic that once was the U.S. and the South tried to preserve and it may have some standing. Until then, you are not worthy to judge us or even hold my jock.
LOL!, your 'jock'? Come on man, my Chihuahua can drag the whole part of that so - called southern manhood.
And frankly, I really can't blame you'll, my research shows, even after the war was over, the Yankee Army continued it's destruction of assets.
(Now my Chihuahua wants some lap time .....) And seriously, I was considering moving to NC ... Now? no way Jose!
A closed mind gathers no facts. His is closed.