And what, exactly, is the problem you had with voluntary colonization at that period in our nation's history? What were the alternatives? A lifetime of bondage as someone's property for them and their children and grandchildren? And if they were free then they faced horrendous racism in the North and even greater oppression in the South. Why is a chance to carve out a life for themselves free from all that such a band thing in the pre-rebellion U.S.?
The Civil War decided nothing. Do you know why? It would have been easy to add an ammendment after the War of Northern Agression to do so. A simple ammendment stating " No states or states may secede from the United States and become autonomous at any time or for any reason".
I'll tell you why, because the North wants to be able to leave it they want to, if the South becomes to much of a burden...
Like I keep saying, F-ing Yankees couldn't even win correctly.