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To: Lee'sGhost
I find it interesting that a black Confederate soldier was depicted marching in rank with white Confederate soldiers on the Confederate monument at Arlington National Cemetery....given that you would have us believe that none served in the Confederacy.

And can you point out where I said that please?

Dr. Steiner, Chief Inspector of the United States Sanitary Commission, observed...

Feel free to give me your explanation of whatelse Steiner observed, from the sentence you didn't include in your quote, and take a stab at the questions I posed. It's all in reply 429.

473 posted on 03/15/2010 12:40:31 PM PDT by Non-Sequitur
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To: Non-Sequitur

“The fact was patent, and rather interesting when considered in connection with the horror rebels express at the suggestion of black soldiers being employed for the national defense.”

That’s easy. The man is obviously incredulous because, just like you, he made a false presumption and was amazed that the reality was the direct opposite of his false belief.

“If black soldiers were included in combat positions with rebel regiments, then why the horror at the idea of black Union soldiers?”

As with almost everything associated with the War Between the States you can find quotes that support both views. Rebels who were horrified at the thought and those who petitioned for it.”

[Confederate General John B. Gordon (Army of Northern Virginia) reported that all of his troops were in favor of Colored troops and that it’s adoption would have “greatly encouraged the army”. Gen. Lee was anxious to receive regiments of black soldiers. The Richmond Sentinel reported on 24 Mar 1864, “None…will deny that our servants are more worthy of respect than the motley hordes which come against us.” “Bad faith [to black Confederates] must be avoided as an indelible dishonor.” ]

“If blacks were respected members of the rebel army then why did they, time after time, refuse to take blacks as prisoners but instead shot them when they tried to surrender?”

“The idea of black combat soldiers was an anathema for the rebel soldier - and their leadership - up until the very end.”

I think if you insert the work “Union” before the word “combat” it becomes easier to understand.

480 posted on 03/15/2010 1:06:48 PM PDT by Lee'sGhost (Johnny Rico picked the wrong girl!)
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