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To: Lee'sGhost
Meanwhile, people in the South live in mixed neighborhoods and have largely dealt with the its segregationist past.Dragged kicking and screaming you mean.

I don't deny that there's de facto segregation in the north. There's de facto segregation in pretty much every city in the US. But if you're going to deny that there are predominately black neighborhoods in the south, you're delusional.

Laughing “when a Southerner ‘accuses’ the north of practicing segregation” demonstrates profoundly demonstrates the false position you have constructed so as to wrongly look down upon Southerners.

Just because it's funny that someone in a glass house starts throwing stones, it doesn't mean the other person doesn't live in a glass house, too. But I'll pick the historical record of my glass house over yours.

467 posted on 03/15/2010 12:18:42 PM PDT by Bubba Ho-Tep ("More weight!"--Giles Corey)
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To: Bubba Ho-Tep

“Dragged kicking and screaming you mean.”

Nobody dragged me, kicking and screaming or otherwise, when I lived with black in a rural community in the 60s nor on the culdesac where I live today where there are seven black families and mine. Sadly profound ignorance and false stereotyping on your part.

“I don’t deny that there’s de facto segregation in the north. There’s de facto segregation in pretty much every city in the US. But if you’re going to deny that there are predominately black neighborhoods in the south, you’re delusional.”

I did not say that, nor does your statement have anything to do with my point.

“Just because it’s funny that someone in a glass house starts throwing stones, it doesn’t mean the other person doesn’t live in a glass house, too. But I’ll pick the historical record of my glass house over yours.”

It’s not a glass house when you admit up front that which is true, which is why you live in a glass house and I don’t...and why your laughing is misguided.

472 posted on 03/15/2010 12:36:21 PM PDT by Lee'sGhost (Johnny Rico picked the wrong girl!)
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