And Caesar had the falling sickness. So what?
Helen Keller could have beaten the South with the resources at Grant's disposal.
But might doesn't make right, does it, Dr. Lecter?
But all those times? Capturing three full rebel armies? Beating every single Southern general you chose to send against him? Even Saint Robert of Lee? Come on, you've got to be cringing just a bit over that.
Helen Keller could have beaten the South with the resources at Grant's disposal.
Which says what about the confederacy and its cause? To say that they could have been beaten by a drunk or a blind woman any time from 1862 to 1865? Not a ringing endorsement of your side, is it?
But might doesn't make right, does it, Dr. Lecter?
It was more which side believed in their cause that they were willing to bear any burden and endure any cost and make any sacrifice it took to persevere. That would be the North.