Somebody noted this before, I believe, but I’ll share it again:
“As babies, Baracks eyes were full of life and hope, and mine were tinged with a bittersweet innocence. Then we were separated and we followed two different destinies.”
Mark born in Kenya. Barack born in Hawaii. WHEN, as babies, were they ever together so that then they “were separated?”
WHEN, as babies, were they ever together so that then they were separated?
Well, it’s complicated, but while Mark insists on being identified as the darker of the two little boys, which he obviously isn’t, what he’s saying is that the son of the kenyan student and Anna, and the boy Stanley Ann showed Susan Blake while Mary was babysitting for Anna, ended up sitting somewhere together and had their photo taken, before the dark boy went to Kenya with his father, and the lighter boy ended up sitting on the fence at the zoo in Hawaii.
That’s what it looks like.