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To: woofie
Very good initial impression was that the Bromford doc looked fake ...just a gut reaction ...but I have been all over the map on this

I thought it looked fake too, but how was it created? There are similarities and differences both in the "typewritten" text and in the "pre-printed" text of the two documents, and the paper texture is markedly different.

If the Bomford creator started with only the Taitz document or vice versa, we are looking at the product of some serious Photoshop or Gimp skills. Adding creases and folds is easy in Photoshop, but removing them without disturbing the affected text? If the Taitz document came from the Bomford, how were the vertical lines in the textured paper removed so cleanly?

If both documents were created from scratch from the same template, then these differences are easily explained. The forger could have just printed the basic form onto different types of paper, filled in each form with a different old typewriter, then folded away.

Is that what happened? The mystery continues.

6,040 posted on 08/03/2009 11:40:08 PM PDT by TChad
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To: TChad

So, she actually has this document in the Picture and just is asking for the authentication and the original?

Or does she just have a photocopy? I see in the picture it says certified copy, but is this what is being referred to as a copy?

6,041 posted on 08/03/2009 11:52:17 PM PDT by dila813
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To: TChad; All
Here is the Smutz font. I do not know enough about font styles to say if the one on the Kenyan one is also a font, but I do know I was looking all last night because someone mentioned Smutz on another post. Notice though, even though the LETTERS look similiar to the Smutz font (and there are three, one is a clean one, one is a clogged with ink looking one and the other is a corroded style) the NUMBER FOUR. The Kenyan BC has a closed 4. The Smutz (and Australian font) has an open top 4.

Just curious what others might think.


6,101 posted on 08/04/2009 6:32:00 AM PDT by autumnraine (You can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out!)
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There are similarities and differences both in the "typewritten" text and in the "pre-printed" text of the two documents, and the paper texture is markedly different.
This is a negative of the said Aussie BC I'm sorry if this has already been pointed out, but I am so tired.. Between Sunday afternoon when this first came out, and now (Wednesday 12:23am), I've had a totaly of about 6-8 hours sleep... I think like many others here :/
To make it simple, start with the lines on the paper.. observe all of them and see if you see a pattern. THEN, observe the type, like GLDNGUN mentioned earlier.
The typed text does NOT follow the folds on the paper, rather they are in a very straight line (as are the lines on most of the form). Also notice that the lines, and most of the text, do NOT fade where they should be distorted from the folds and wear and tear on the form.
The Kenya form does not have any conflicts on the negative.
I hope that helped, if someone didn't already neat me to it.. and if they did, I apologize :) Bikk
6,141 posted on 08/04/2009 8:30:12 AM PDT by Bikkuri
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