Then why didn't they leave earlier? What was it about the election of 1860 that set them off?
Willing to die, the boys of the South were, just to go there own way...
To protect their peculiar institution.
Willing to stand up to the Federal Monster outnumbered 3 to 1. Nothing noble there.....
Sad, really, rather than noble. Oh there's no doubt that they died nobly on the battlefield. But in the end, to have died for nothing.
Get off it.
You know the history and you know that the north and the South always had, and continue to have, disagreements about government and almost every other subject.
BTW, since you're a staunch northerner, I'm assuming that you are carrying the socialist banner for your northern puppet masters and if not, why not? I mean, you do believe that the north is always right, right?
Oh there's no doubt that they died nobly on the battlefield. But in the end, to have died for nothing.
And that's part of what the Confederate Memorial holiday is all about.
It ain't when you die. Hell, we all die. It's how you die and as long as there's one Southerner observing the remembrance of those Confederate soldiers that fought to defend their country then they will have not have died in vain.
It will only be in vain if you damnyankees are successful in completely revising the history with your northern myths and lies and poisoning a complete generation of American, and especially Southern American, children through your yankee propaganda camps, aka public schools.