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To: DCPatriot; AU72; IllumiNaughtyByNature; Las Vegas Dave


The Varginha EBE

The Varginha case is unique in many ways. First of all it’s an once-in-a-lifetime shot for UFO-researchers to have a really ”hard” case in their hands. UFOlogists that has great insight from their studies of previous cases from the 40’s and up to date. UFOlogists as Stanton T. Friedman and John Carpenter, who to many represents the ”famous elite”. But also well renowned men like the local investigators Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues and Vitorio Pacaccini (who was the first two to investigate and blew the case right open), AJ Gevaerd (MUFON’s representive in Brazil). Men like Stanton T. Friedman is an expert in the legedary Roswell-incident and knows how the secrecy-machine works, an insight that will be vital when it comes to finding out what has happened to the EBE’s (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity) that is supposed to have been transfered alive to Albrook Airforce Base in Panama.

Illustrations by .

My intention with this article is to try to make a thorougly presentation of the case with all vital information available from researchers in USA and Brazil to this date. To my help I have two of the researchers that went down to Brazil and Varginha to get first hand information from local researchers - Stanton T. Friedman and John Carpenter. And then I have all the reports from a number of Brazilian investigators, along with articles in UFO magazines and daily news media. I also like to thank Paulo H Andrade and Ricardo Varrela Correa for doublechecking my information. As I hope you understand - I can’t personally speak for the veracity of all this information as I have only gathered what the local researchers has presented. But as Bob Marley sang ”time will tell”.
As the investigation still is ongoing the names of ”delicate” witnesses is withheld to protect their familys and most of all themself. To this category I place military and hospital staff, and some authority-personal. I’m sure they will be presented in the near future. I must mark that the witnesses names is NOT withheld by ME, but by the local researchers.

Varginha, is a city of 120,000 people is located in Brazils Minas Gerais state and the main incident happened in the northern part of the city between January 20-22, 1996. But let’s not get ahead. There is an incident prior to the main event.

NORAD warning of a UFO going down

Around midnight between January 19-20 NORAD (North American Air Defense Command) contacts their Brazilian alike CINDACTA (I Centro INtegrado de Defesa Aerea e Controle de Trafego Aereo or Intergrated Center on Air Defense and Air Traffic Control ) and warnes them of a UFO coming down over southern parts of Minas Gerais state. This is witnessed and leaked by both an Brazilian Air Force man and an employee at the rdara facility at Air Force Base VI Comar, who recived the information, all this according to John Carpenter and Ricardo Varela Correa.
On January 20, after midninght, at aprox. 1:30 AM the farmworkers-couple Augusta and Eurico Rodrigues were wakened by the roams of the farm-cows and sheeps. As they looked out the window to see what was up they saw the animals running from one side to the other. As they looked up the sky the saw a silent UFO without lights. John Carpenter gives us an image of the UFO:

”It was a submarine-shaped "mini-bus" that was trembling like a curtain and emitting smoke or fog as it descended to at least 5 meters above the ground. A military witness now admits that it crashed and he was part of the debris retrieval. Material was twisted and lightweight. (source: AJ Gevaerd in my video)”
The Rodrigues couples farm is placed in a coffe district located 10 kilometers (6 miles) northwest from the town of Varginha, midway between Varginha and Tres Coracoes. The house sits at the edge of the road. And the UFO is belived to have crashed between 1:30 AM and 5:00 AM that night.. An American civilian was present when the cigarrshaped UFO was loaded aboard a flatbed truck in the early morning of January 20 - a saturday, according to Brazil’s UFO Magazine. Between the alleged crashsite and the outskirts of park Jardim Andere, where the EBE later on was first spotted and captured, lays a forest. A probable scenario is that a number of EBE’s outlived the crash and went by foot (!?) through the woods and ended up in the park of Jardim Andere 6 miles southeast. Local people immediatly associated this spaceship with the EBE’s who appeared 7 hours later. There has also surfaced statements by a military source that a farmer (not Rodrigues) shot one of the EBE’s that crawled out of the crashed cigarr-shaped UFO.

First EBE caught in city park

According to John Carpenter - this is his description of the park:

”Jardim Andere is a district or suburban neighborhood where some houses are under construction. There is a grassy slope toward some woods between this district and the Santana district nearby.”
8:00 AM College student Hildo Lucio Galdino, 20, who lives in the Jardim Andere section of Varginha, has reportedly told UFO investigators Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues and Vitorio Pacaccini that he saw one of the alien survivors shortly after 8 a.m. that morning. Opening his bathroom window, Hildo looked out and saw "a creature with oily dark brown skin crouched in the alleyway." The alien, which Hildo described as having "very small hands with three extremely long fingers, kind of like a starfish," ran away when Hildo cried out. The creature had no hair and no clothing and was 4-5 feet in height.
Several calls comes to the fire department (as early as 7:00 AM) about some wild animal on the loose in the northern city-park Jardim Andere, like a jaguar or a peccary. And in a confidential taped interview a sergeant of the firestation confirms that at 9:00 AM the Fire Department of Varginha was required to capture a strange animal in the area. When four firemen arrived in a fireengine, they noticed that it was not a strange animal at all, and they also found the miltary already on the spot. The man in charge who send the four firemen to Jardim Andere to check the situation was Major Maciel. These firemen, at the moment they arrived there, called the major thru radio and asked him to go there too as the situation was more complicated than they thought. The Major arrived aprox. 10:30 AM, but by then the capture of the EBE was allready done. It was done with a net for wild animals and they used common gloves, but were afraid of radiation. According to witnesses on spot there were some people, including children who throwed some stones towards the EBE, who appeared apathic to the way he was treated. He only gave away a noise similar to bees buzzing. The adress of where the EBE was captured is in front of the house at Rua Suecia 3, Jardim Andere. The EBE was then placed in a wooden box with a white plastic canvas-cover, stretched hard to really make insight impossible, and transported away by a army truck. The miltary and firemen on the site was:
Lieutenant Colonel Olimpio Wanderley (Chief of operations)
Lieutenant Tiberio
Captain Ramirez
Sargeant Pedrosa (Brazilian Army secret service S-2)

Truck drivers from the ESA (military school, 25 kilometers from Varginha in the town of Tres Coracoes)

Corporal Cirilo
Soldier Vassalo
Soldier De Mello

And also the chief of the first operation of capture - MAJOR MACIEL.
All this is backed by a witness on the inside of the fire department with access to several classified information. Also by civilian witnesses like Henrique Jose da Silva.
On to part 2 of the Varginha Case article

All rights reserved to WUFOC and NÄRKONTAKT. If you reprint or quote any part of the content, you must give credit to: WUFOC, the free UFO-alternative on the Internet,

901 posted on 02/01/2009 5:49:20 PM PST by Quix (LEADRs SAY FRM 1900 2 presnt:
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To: IllumiNaughtyByNature; AU72; DCPatriot; Las Vegas Dave
HERE'S PART 2 OF THE CASE ABOVE photos and drawings available only at the link below. Qx made John Mack's quote red for emphasis and corrected some of the typo/spelling errors:


Continuing the Varginha Case article...

Three shots

At the same time as the firemen capture the first seen EBE, more witnesses observed strange movements. A lawyer in Varginha and former miltary witnessed two planes that he recognized as F-5’s (see picture), at very low altitude. As a former military man he noticed the planes were not in natural formation but in attack formation. He also witnessed army vehicles near the woods (close to where the firemen captured the EBE). He was passing there and saw a truck carrying about seven soldiers in green campaign uniforms (camouflaged) and some of them in plain clothes.
There is even more witnesses to their activity. A friend of this witness was in another position and says that he heard three shots and that the soldiers came back from the woods with two campaign sacks. One motionless and one moving. Another source has come forward and revealed that one of the soldiers shot one EBE three times in the chest and the creature died instantaneously. The gun would be a FAL-type (FAL - Fuzil de Artilharia Leve, or Light Artillery Rifle). The details around this is still being investigated by researcher Claudeir Covo. The military and fire department operation was held very quiet and smooth and both firebrigade and military did withdraw around 10:30 - 11:00 AM, along with the second military operation (which fired three shots). The net-caught-EBE is said to have been moved directly to the Escola de Sargento das Armas (EAS) - a military school in the town of Tres Coracoes, 25 kilometers from Varginha. The next following days a summerized number of 6 living EBE’s and two dead was locked up at the ESA-base. Some curious civilians combed the park as the military/S-2 personal had left in their trucks, but found nothing. There is also information of a later S-2 (Brazilian Army secret service) operation at aprox. 7:00-8:00 PM on January 20, where an unnumbered of EBE’s was caught in the park.

A total sum of 8 EBE’s :
1 dead
2 injured (1 later dead)
5 unhurt and living.
The lawyer who made the observation around 10:30 AM above says that he noticed another search team arriving at 1:30 PM stopping at the opposite side of an earthwork shortcut, as he was leaving his office. Another witness speak of a S-2 search-team in civilian clothes (haven’t been able to find out how they was identified as S-2 men) around 1:30-2:30 PM in the same area. These two reports are probably of the same operation. They are believed to have found nothing.

Three girls stumbles on another EBE

Around 15:30 PM on the same sunny Saturday afternoon three girls, two sisters - Lilliane Fatima Silva (16) , Valquiria fatime Silva (14) and their friend Katia Andrade Xavier (22 which has three kids), was on their way home (lives at Rua Tapajos-Tapajos street) from their jobs as housemaids. As they are walking in the middle of the pathway in Jardim Andere (2 kilometers from the town center) Lilliane Fatima looked over her left side and screamed. A creature with three protuberances on the head and dark greasy skin was about 7 meters away next to a wall of an old garage. The creature was squatting on the ground like it was hurt. This is from the Brazilian magazine Isto E:

"It was squatting, with the long arms between its legs", recalls the girl. "At first I saw the eyes, enormous and red." Frightened, Liliane turned her back to the creature, while her sister Valquiria and her friend Katia continued to observe. "It was not animal or human, it was a horrible thing", says Katia. "It looked dumb, didn't make any noise", adds Valquiria. The creature, however, appeared to move slightly with the head and the three girls run away.”
Forty minutes later, the mother of Lilliane and Valquiria, Luiza Helana Silva (38), went to the spot to look for what had frightened her daughters (her husband Jose Lopes da Silva was at work as a bus conductor). She found nothing except a peculiar smell which other witnesses, who heard the rumour and hurried to the spot where the EBE was seen, described as ammonia. The same smell was later reported indipendently by personal at the General Hospital where the alien was brought on the eavning of January 20th.

Harvard professor and abduction researcher Dr. John Mack went down at the end May and made a recorded interview with the three girls. To Carpenter, Mack has said:
”He would stake his carrer and his license on those three girls being truthful”
(see picture).

During the afternoon people are watching a number of army trucks on patrol in the city and around 7:00-8:00 PM the military from the Escola de Sargentos, along with officers from the military police service (called P-2) once again entered the park (according to John Carpenter it happened at 11:00 PM) and captured an injured EBE (I haven’t found any testimonys from witnesses to this capture). This capture was much more discreet that the first (10:30 AM), because the military arrived in plain clothes, using civilian cars. The creature was in the area, near the woods, where the military surrounded it and caught it.

EBE taken to Regional Hospital

The EBE was immediatly taken to the General Hospital in the town center where the doctor ordered that the creature must be moved on to the bigger and better equipped Humanitas hospital, where it was easier to maintain and hide from curious civilians. The Humanitas hospital is also located 1,5 kilometers from the town center (Varginha has 3 hospitals in all). A few nurses and personnel from Regional General Hospital had confirmed some facts and they were all suppressed. Individuals who had contacts with the second creature were advised to avoid press and UFO researchers and not to talk about it with anyone, not even their families or relations.

Researcher Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues came in contact with one of the nurses who was reluctant at first to talk about the commotion at the Regional Hospital but later revealed that one of the hospital-sections was closed for some hours in order to avoid access of employees, patients and visitors and that physicians came in from another town than Varginha. According to her testimony, the director said that all that movement should be ignored, because ”it was just a training for the doctors and military personal.” According to the witness (a nurse) the meeting culminated with the following statement from the director:

”Here in Varginha there is people who likes to deal with ”cool things”, I mean, supernatural, strange... It is probable that these people will look for you, specially that lawyer Ubirajara. TO THESE PEOPLE YOU MUST DENY EVERYTHING. I mean, do deny.”

Police and armypersonal was guarding the closed hospital-section during the hours where the EBE was. But a number of civilians saw the creature closely and the rumour continued.

Another witness, a friend of Ubirajara himself, revealed that she had been in the hospital entrance at 10:30 PM, together with a friend of her. She asked the receptionist if it was true what the rumours said about the ”little monster” recieved at the hospital. The employee confirmed, but also said that the creature had been moved to the Humanitas hospital. This is said to have happend around midnight between January 20, Saturday, and Sunday 22. So the nurse probably didn’t know that the creature was still in the hospital waiting to be transported, but in the closed section. The transport was operated by the firebrigade.

Captain Alvarenga of the fire-brigade denies any participation from the firebrigades part to have moved the - now dead - EBE to Humanitas hospital. But right before he denied that Ubirajara had been in contact with the Regional Hospital director Mr Adilson Usier, who confirmed that the Varginha Firedepartment had participated in the corpse transport. Captain Alveranga then said it was a mistake of Mr. Usier. Later Mr. Usier denies the statement himself to the Brazilian UFO Magazine, saying:

”We couldn’t keep an extraterristrial here, we couldn’t deal with it, nothing but humans.”
In the hospital the aliens would be treated by doctor Rogerio (an orthopaedist). He said:

"I don't know how you could waste your time with that kind of stuff, it's nonsense. There's no extraterrestrials". On the other hand the same doctor Rogerio said to a reporter from the Varginha news: "I don't know what it is (the ET), could be a freak (human), but I have never seen anything like it".
On to part 3 of the Varginha Case article

All rights reserved to WUFOC and NÄRKONTAKT. If you reprint or quote any part of the content, you must give credit to: WUFOC, the free UFO-alternative on the Internet,

903 posted on 02/01/2009 6:06:31 PM PST by Quix (LEADRs SAY FRM 1900 2 presnt:
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To: Quix

Hysterically funny. We have a witness claiming an alien was captured, but no other evidence is forthcoming. I guess the Brazilian authorities are in cahoots with the oligarchy. How long do you suppose anyone involved in the capture of this alien could keep this to himself?

Once again, evidence taken from a witness that no one can prove wasn’t either involved in a hoax, or saw an animal he convinced himself was an alien. The other witnesses are, of course, being kept silent and will “eventually” tell their stories. Do you not see a pattern to all these claims of alien sightings?

Furthermore, it is so odd that millions of years of random evolution on two different planets creates intelligent creatures that look so similar. Do you know what the odds are that a creature from another planet would have any resemblance to us? Probably in the realm of the trillion to one. We tend to want alien creatures to resemble us, so no one ever describes an alien that doesn’t have two eyes, two arms, two legs, etc. They also breath our air without difficulty, have no problem with changes in gravity (what are the odds their planet is the same size as ours?), and never wear clothing despite the fact they likely have a much different climate on their planet. It’s laughable in the extreme.

930 posted on 02/02/2009 6:56:21 PM PST by yazoo
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