Before he sings, Blake treats us to his impression of a Libby juror ;)
His song is some Reggae tune. (Seacrest later tells us that it's from the band 311.)
Randy: "I didn't even recognize the song, but I loved it."
Paula: "I didn't know the song either, but I was interested. Totally cool."
Simon: "I didn't understand a word you sang. You're individual. You're making it current. You will 100% be here next week."
Libby juror...what a travesty that was. So glad I've sworn off watching TV news, including cable. Much rather shut it all out and enjoy things like AI since there's not a damned thing I can do about things like the Libby outrage.
Chris tells us that he used to be 40 pounds heavier. Shows pictures to prove it.
Sings a Keith Urban song. Surprisingly okay.
Randy: "Switching it up! This kid is in it to win it."
Paula: "You adapted well. You picked a great song."
Simon: "Not the best vocal we've heard. Thought the vocal bit nasal to be honest with you ... timid ... but you sold it."