you should really look deeper into the facts of creationism and the holes in toe with an open mind. I think you would enjoy true science alot more than bad science. It is so much more fascinating to look at the complex dna code which is responsible for more involved actions than a computer code and see that it must have been created by a super intelligence than to just write it off as a natural process. It's just the darkside of people that causes them to think that.
You are mixed up. If science proclaimed that something was the result of the supernatural, it would not be science, it would be RELIGION.
--you should really look deeper into the facts of creationism--
What facts?
Are you going to show us some science, or new-age claptrap about how God doesn't want us to use the brains He gave us?
--It is so much more fascinating to look at the complex dna code --
Studies of the DNA code support evolution.
Show me some facts, not just your just waggling your tounge.
Creationism is a belief based pseudoscience. If you want to teach it, then do it in a church where people can get up and leave, NOT in an elementary school.
Show me some proof, some facts. You mentioned "the facts of creationism", I want to see the facts. (mind you, real facts, peer reviewed, testable and following the scientific method, not just bible waving by the theocons)
I'm waiting.