It's not merely the hidden taxes that will be made visible with the FairTax, but all FairTaxes - on a clearly defined receipt given to the purchaser when he buys. Depending upon he actual tax situation of the taxpayer under both tax systems the price tax inclusive may even be less under the FairTax,
No tax system will ever collect much if anything from the illegal activities - that's why they're named that (DUH) - but when the folks in the illegal economy purchase at retail they will certainly pay the FairTax at the same marginal rate you and I do.
pigdog, I just checked for you, and none of these posts you are responding to from four days ago were directed to you.
You've already admitted that the current tax system collects 22-23% in embedded taxes from everyone, criminals or not. No, we're not collecting income tax from the criminals now, nor would we collect the NRST from the illegal activities of the criminals under the Fair Tax.