The upstanding citizens are those who organized and participated in the memorial service. I can't think of a more worthy cause than to remember our servicemen and women.
Fred Phelps, Sheehan, and other opportunists use funerals for political exploits; some folks on this thread are doing the very same thing.
So tell me, who politicized this man's memorial service here first? The fact that you're the one posting the thread answers the question. Then you try to shut down any opposition to the agenda you're advancing by crying that we're trashing the service. That's a liberal trick.
You're the only one here doing so, this man was resting peacefully in his grave until someone decided to make him into a confederate soldier.
Maybe that's becuase the 11 year old slave whose Confederate master took him to war, DIDN'T fall in battle as you would have us believe. He was mustered out of the Confederate army, got married, and lived a full life.
You ought to try READING the stories you get paid to post on here.