To: mlc9852
One creationist response to such arguments regarding human/chimp DNA similarity has been that Chimp DNA has not been anywhere near fully sequenced so that a proper comparison can be made,5 and that this evidence is just as easily explained (and predicted, for that matter) by the concept of a common designer: You might try finding a reference from a legitimate source, not Answers in Genesis, an on-line catalog of lies and half-truths. You might also choose an up-to-date reference. The two genomes are now published and on line.
To: Right Wing Professor
You shouldn't be surprised. You are speaking to troll who hangs on to creationist arguments that Ken Ham has abandoned as too embarrassing such as the dino/human footprints.
504 posted on
05/02/2006 7:11:26 AM PDT by
(somewhere, some time ago, something happened, but whatever it was, wasn't evolution)
To: Right Wing Professor
Answers in Genesis is a legitimate source. Just because you disagree with it doesn't make it not legitimate.
507 posted on
05/02/2006 7:21:39 AM PDT by
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