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To: Old_Mil
In other words, let's set aside the obvious conclusion drawn from the empirical data because we're slaves to old-earth evolution and all data must be fit into our hypothesis of origin. If it does not, it must imply that dinosaurs had magic blood vessels.

The obvious conclusion is that we were wrong about the effects of time regarding the decay of soft tissue. That is not being ignored; in fact this has opened up whole new avenues of research as the implications are being investigated. Science is recognizing that this is new evidence and embraces the effect it has on previous suppositions.

It is not evidence that the timeline is wrong, but rather that under the right conditions certain soft tissue cells can be preserved over extraordinary lengths of time. In fact, if it were the timeline that was wrong, the tissue evidence would be overwhelming in its abundance.

31 posted on 05/01/2006 8:59:47 AM PDT by Antonello (Oh my God, don't shoot the banana!)
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