Oh wait, they don't! At least some of the fuel taxes are supposed to go toward transportation needs. Unfortunately it often gets sucked into "public transit" projects which are ultimately underutilized and overly expensive.
Fuel costs are not uniform (even if you discount taxes) and that's not entirely explained by costs. San Diego, for example, is known as a "get well market" which means fuel prices are artificially higher to compensate for other regions which won't bear such pricing. Like so many taxes that flow out of CA (we only get 70% back), we're subsidizing lifestyles in other areas of the country.
Not all aspects of the retirement package are outrageous. Certainly the stock-based portion is not but overall (as a dollar amount) it's an obscenity for what his actual contributions were to the health/success of the corporation. This is not what I would consider just compensation.
The fuel itself...pretty much wherever the consumers need it.