I pray for our leaders, but I have to confess I have been sorely disappointed in President Bush. If he is a Christian (that is not mine to judge) I do feel that he has not grown or matured in the faith, nor is he knowledgeable about the Bible or Christianity or the basic foundational tenets of Christianity. I have seen the transcripts where he was talking to Charles Smith (ABC) and he repeatedly expressed his belief that all roads lead to heaven, including the Muslim religion. Or his oft proclaimed statements that "Islam is a religion of peace", which has never been remotely true in the 1400 violent, blood-stained years of Islam. I do not know how he can make such presposterous claims that are completely contrary to the clear teaching of scripture, where it states in Acts that "there is no other name (Jesus) under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved". Also Jesus himself proclaimed that "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me". President Bush has carried political correctness & pandering to an extreme.
I need to pray that I do not grow bitter towards President Bush or the Republican Party for its cowardice & betrayal of conservative principles & values in general.
You need to look past the public pronouncements of the President, who is in the awkward position of having firmly held beliefs, yet being President of all the people.
While I do not like that he called Islam 'a religion of peace,' and do not agree with that at all, it would be irresponsible for him to say, 'Islam is a false religion that leads to violence'.....even if that is what he really believes.
Watch the way he handles himself. Watch the way he exhibits the Fruits of the Spirit daily. And pray for him as a brother. You will see it.
I have learned much about that in praying for this President daily for more than five years now, and yielding my spirit to the Lord.