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To: Luis Gonzalez
The evolutionists have no evidence that any species, flora or fauna, evolved on this planet at all more than anyone who would say it was delivered and/or engineered by extraterrestrials - - which may even be occurring unobserved in our midst!

The evolutionists have no more proof human life evolved from other Terran life than those who would say humans were marooned and/or engineered here by extraterrestrials. Evolutionists make the fallacious assumption this planet is the starting point for all life and is the encapsulated center of the universe unaffected by anything (or anyone) beyond it. It is akin to saying the sun revolves around the earth.

Not at all scientific of them; it is a faith based theory no different in logical fallacy than creationism in the ‘appeal to false authority.’

What do evolutionists think about teaching the idea that life may have originated from outer space? They already do teach the Big Bang theory, which is an Immaculate Conception.

Since not one human being knows the answers, it is only scientific method to consider other points of view on this issue in education. Doing otherwise would be like students dancing around idols, with professors as voodoo priests proclaiming taboos and making sacrifices.

367 posted on 03/11/2006 7:19:41 AM PST by Sir Francis Dashwood (LET'S ROLL!)
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To: Sir Francis Dashwood
The evolutionists have no evidence that any species, flora or fauna, evolved on this planet at all

You repeated this post twice now. It is incorrect. Here is some of the evidence:

Figure 1.4.4. Fossil hominid skulls. Some of the figures have been modified for ease of comparison (only left-right mirroring or removal of a jawbone). (Images © 2000 Smithsonian Institution.)

375 posted on 03/11/2006 7:49:48 AM PST by Coyoteman (I love the sound of beta decay in the morning!)
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To: Sir Francis Dashwood
Le's just dismiss the evidence and call it not evidence because you say so, then let's say that since you've dismissed the evidence and decided to call it not evidence, there is lots more things that you lack evidence to, and those things could equally be unevidenced truth.

"Evolutionists make the fallacious assumption this planet is the starting point for all life and is the encapsulated center of the universe unaffected by anything."

That's an unbelievable lie.

The definition of evolution is to change after creation, or to change after having "started."

You have to continually misrepresent the other side in order to even have a weak argument.

"The evolutionists have no evidence that any species, flora or fauna, evolved on this planet at all more than anyone who would say it was delivered and/or engineered by extraterrestrials - - which may even be occurring unobserved in our midst!"

If you can provide evidence of that, I'll be willing to examine it, just like all evidence leading to evolution is examined.

But you don't have an, and the only way that you can structure your argument is by basing it on the lie that the theory of evolution was reached without evidence to support it.

The fact that you don't believe the available evidence is not sufficient to negate it.

377 posted on 03/11/2006 8:08:03 AM PST by Luis Gonzalez (Some people see the world as they would want it to be, effective people see the world as it is.)
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