First thank you for keeping this civil so many here don't!
Apes are intermediate steps in evolution. They are in between lower monkeys and humans. Evolution does not happen quickly, its takes a long time, and our recorded history is terribly short. The apes never quit evolving, we didn't evolve from chimps, instead we both evolved from the same species. Its the difference between being somes son, or brother. It has taken almost 5 million years to evolve humans into current form.
Also we didn't viciously kill them off, we outhunted on their territory. We were too similar to survive in teh same places. We competed directly.
And for your evidence that god exits you listed a list of things are unexplainable. 2000 years ago we had no idea why the sun came up every day, we now know thats its because earth rotates.
The reason we breathe is because our body needs O2 to complete chemical reactions which turns simple sugars into energy that our muscles use.
There are billions of planets, it had to happen somewhere. There is a very small chance that someone wins the lottery, but that doesn't prove someone picked that person as a winner on purpose. There is always a chance that the body will cure a disease, or do something that it isn't supposed to do. Why? maybe because a God changed it, but its just as likely that in a very very very small percent of people their bodies can naturally heal themselves. I'd like to believe its because of God but the truth is, it can't be proven. I've had some werid stuff happen that seemly is unexplainable, for example the day my dad had 3 massive heart attacks he happened to be carrying a rosary in his pocket that wasn't his that he found in our bathroom. Hes not a religous person, and otherwise would never carry one but for some reason he did. Well his heart stopped that day and he needed to be defibed to get his heart beating again, and the doctors told my mom that he would die. A priest even gave him his last rights, but he managed to survive, and his heart recovered with no lasting damage. No one will ever know if its just a random occurance or not.
The theory of evolution is about how complicated organisms came from less complicated organisms. It never states where the first ones came from. It could very easily be god who started life here, or it could be bacteria from some alien who landed her 200 million years ago or it have been a very random chance that some organic chemicals mixed in a random way that created life. We may find out, but until we can get proof, you shouldn't try to indoctrinate other peoples children. I just got out of highschool 2 years ago and in my biology class we discussed evolution heavily yet never the origin of life. This is the way it should be. Leave the religion part for the sunday school teacher. Ironically my catholic CCD teachers never taught us much about the Old Testament.
If you allow public schools to teach religion in a nation where there are literally thousands of relgious differences, there will always be a problem. How would you like it if your grandchild ended up in a majority Islamic school? With our nations immigration policies it could happen.
"It had to happen somewhere" I disagree, It didn't have to happen, the occurrence of intelligence in man, just happened by chance? As with the occurrence of all of our sensory organs, I think not. The origins of man, be it primordial slime, had no intelligence, nor sensory organs, they are to complex to have been left to chance.
I've not said teachers should say "the Bible says", merely that the arguments against evolution should be made, ie "This is the theory of evolution, it is a theory. Some people believe in the creation of the earth by a higher being. Some people are confused, or doubt due to the lack of continuous evidence." there are several other arguments to be made made but they are not presented. Atheism is a religion, has been declared so in the courts several times, and evolution is a teaching of atheism. I disagree with your disallowing creation based upon religious freedom, yet teaching unequivocally to children something that directly writes off my religious beliefs. Is that not a breach of my children's rights? We are taught by the schools all of our lives, if the school teaches us something, it must be right, and supersede any other teaching we might recieve. I do teach my children contrary to this, but most don't, if school is to be the authority, they should then present all possible options.
thank you.